
Children are an important part of our faith community at Christ the King! Check out some of the many ways we disciple our young people, leading them to LOVE, GROW, SERVE, SEND.


Children in Worship

At Christ the King, we encourage families to worship together which includes children. We love hearing the babbling of a baby or laugh of a child. It’s ok!

To help kids focus in worship, we have activity bags at the entrances to our worship space. Feel free to grab one to use and return on your way home.

Our weekend worship also includes a special message just for our children. Kids will be invited to come forward during this time.

Sunday School

Elementary-aged children are welcome to join our Sunday School program from 10-10:50AM in the gym on Sundays during the school-year. Each month our curriculum focuses on a specific theme. Children learn in a group format an account from the Bible and how it applies to their lives today. Learning activities include games, crafts, retelling of the story through, Bible memorization, and prayer time.

Lessons extend beyond the Sunday school class and into the family with a take-home ParentCue resource sheet and family devotions. Parents are encouraged to connect with their children throughout the week and revisit the lesson introduced on Sunday to help children make faith connections each day. 

Connect Kids

Each Fall, Winter, and Spring, our ConnectEd program meetings on Wednesdays. ConnectEd is an intergenerational discipleship opportunity. We begin with a meal from 5:45-6:30pm which ends with all generations together for a community devotion and prayer time. From 6:30-8pm, classes for age-specific groups break out. Connect Kids is for elementary-aged children and uses fun activities such as experiments, crafts, games, and Bible stories to explore God’s creation and the gift of faith that he has blessed even kids with. 

Summer Day Camp

Christ the King partners with Camp Lutherhaven to provide a week of camp onsite at CTK. Our summer Day Camp allows children from Kindergarten through 5th Grade to experience camp without having to spend the night or travel to Lutherhaven or Shoshone Mountain Retreat. Look for registration information in late spring each year.

Acts of Service

There are many ways for even children to serve the Church and our community. Families are invited to participate in service projects throughout the year. Children are invited to help with worship by acolyting (lighting the candles) or greeting and ushing alongwise their parents. Contact us to get involved!

© 2025 Christ the King Lutheran Church | Coeur d'Alene, ID   |   1700 E Pennsylvania Ave, Coeur d'Alene, ID US 83814