Sep 04, 2022The Parable of the Laborers in the VineywardThis weekend we close out our summer sermon series having looked at...
Aug 28, 2022The Parable of the Wedding BanquetOur worship and sermon message this weekend focused on Jesus’ Parable...
Aug 21, 2022The Parables of the Lost Sheep and the Lost CoinChapter 15 of Luke could be called the chapter of the lost, as it...
Aug 14, 2022The Parable of the Wise and Foolish BuildersThis weekend at CTK, we focused on the Alaska Mission for Christ, with...
Aug 07, 2022The Parable of the Costly Pearl and Hidden TreasureIn the parables of both the hidden treasure and the precious pearl...
Jul 31, 2022The Parable of the Unmerciful ServantAs we continue to learn and be changed by the Parables of Jesus this...
Jul 24, 2022The Parable of the Good SamaritanIn this week’s parable, Jesus is confronted with questions about what...
Jul 17, 2022The Parable of the SowerAs we continue to focus on Jesus’ use of parables, this week, we...
Jul 10, 2022The Parable of the Prodigal SonThis week, we continued to look at Jesus' teachings in parables and the...
Jul 03, 2022The Parable of the Persistant WidowThis week we jump into our sermon series for July & August, where we...