Forgiving Challenge
Series Information

This Lenten season, we will be following up on last year’s Red Letter...
Pastor Jon shares an Ash Wednesday message on Day 1 of the...
Jesus says in John 17:16 that God’s Word is the Truth! We believe...
Our sin is a big deal, God's grace in Jesus is bigger deal.
Much like Jesus did with the disciple Peter, Jesus invites all of us...
Deacon Mike Haas leads us in our Midweek message, focusing on Day 15 of...
Every sin has a cost to it. The first aspect of being forgiven is...
Pastor Jon Muhly leads us in our Midweek message, focusing on Day 22 of...
Not only has Jesus paid the price for our sin by dying on the cross...
Pastor Larry Comer leads us in our Midweek message, focusing on Day 29...
God’s forgiveness has paid the penalty we should have paid and He has...
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