Other Sermons in the Series
Palm Sunday: “Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord, even the King of Israel!”
Something was happening on Palm Sunday so long ago. Even the most...
Maundy Thursday: Expect the Unexpected
Good Friday: Three Cross on Mount Calvary
Easter Vigil: Mary, the Mother of Jesus
Saturday, bookend by Good Friday and Easter, is a day of contemplation...
Easter: Let Us Be Glad and Rejoice In His Salvation
We have learned many reasons why Jesus came to die this Lenten season...
The Naked Disciple
What was it like to witness the betrayal, crucifixion, and resurrection...
Open Your Eyes
People didn’t know what to do with Jesus. He was a miracle worker but...
The Good Shepherd
The imagery of Jesus as the Good Shepherd is some of the most loved in...
The Ascension of Jesus
This week, we celebrated the Ascension of our Lord Jesus. and what it...
Christ's "High Priestly Prayer" for You and Me
This Sunday we got to listen in on Jesus praying for us. We got to hear...